Monday, August 28, 2017

We'll do this together...

Hello all of you wonderful, beautiful ladies! What would normally be a grind of a Monday has turned into a really special day for me. I am totally writing this on my lunch hour at work because I couldn't wait to tell you my latest idea/plan. Seriously going to try not to get too long with this post but I am so overwhelmed and excited and a little nervous all at the same time, so apologies in advance if this post gets rambly. Maybe it's the disasters happening in the world right now, maybe it's the really good and motivating series of sermons that we've had at church lately, maybe it's that I recently met someone that reminded me of myself just a few years ago. Probably a mix of all of that really and so here's the thing--I have finally, at 42 years old, realized what I really want to be when I grow up ;)  Girls, I want to open a shelter for needy women and children. I've done the volunteer thing-- I've donated clothing, food, my time and money here and there and will continue to do so, but I want to do more. I'm starting the plans now and hope to make this really, for really really real, actually happen in about four, maybe five, years from now when my own son will be 18 or 19 years old and able to take care of himself (well, for the most part anyway haha). SO, I've got some time to save money like crazy and to learn everything that I can. I really don't know much about it but I will be doing tons of research and having as many conversations with people that do know for the next few years and Lord willing, I am determined to make this happen. I have been so fortunate in the last few years to be financially stable, but it has certainly not always been that way for me. There was a time, about eight years ago, that I made some terrible decisions that resulted in some very dark times including me not being able to pay the bills, included me and my 7 year old son eating as cheaply as possible-- lots and lots of pinto beans and water--and then almost being homeless. Horrible decisions that I'll save for another post but that I own 100% responsibility for and that I sure did pay the consequences for too. Had it not been for my Mom and my Step Dad (my Dad died in an accident when I was 8 years old) and my wonderful family helping us out, we would have been homeless, at least for a time, until I could get a job and support me and my son again. But think about how hard it is if you trust someone, let's just say maybe a spouse, to 100% or even 50% take care of you and your children, who then all of a sudden abuses you and you leave them, or they leave you, and now you have to possibly move and pay deposits, get a job and pay day care and pay for a car and gas and housing and food and medical bills and everything life throws at you and your children. Maybe your company closes down, or suffers lay offs to include you, or if you get a divorce, or one of you dies (sorry to be so blunt but not sure there is a soft way to say that--my Dad died when he was 40 years old, which left my Mom, me and my two little brothers--it happens) or just simply make some awful mistakes with money and don't have enough of an emergency fund yet? Not to mention natural disasters, or worse--man made disasters. It could happen to any of us. It happened to me not too long ago. Not all of that, but some of that happened to me as an adult about one year in to my first marriage (I'm in my second marriage now). Thankfully, by luck and learning the hard way, and by the grace of God and my family and hard work on my own part, things have turned around and we're doing just great now. 
Now, what I want to do is give back. There isn't a much better feeling than to be able to give to those that are truly in need. We could all fall on hard times and we could all need help sometimes. Just a few meals or a place to stay until we can get back on our feet can make all the difference in someone's life. For those of us that have excess--what we are called to do is to help out those in need. I am going to take that call. I am determined to do this shelter and your prayers are appreciated. 

So here's the really cool part that includes you: starting now, every cent that I earn from my blog, from my Facebook page, and from my Instagram will go into savings for my dream shelter. Every time that you click one of my links, or make a purchase using one of my links, a bit of your money will go to help out someone in need in the near future. It doesn't cost you a single penny more to use a blogger's links, just to be clear. It's a tiny commission that we get each time that you click a link or make a purchase, but it can add up quickly and that's what I'm hoping for! The goal is that by the year 2021, I will be opening up a shelter for needy women and children. I'll be saving and learning as much as I can in the meantime. If for some reason, I cannot make it happen, I will donate the money to a good shelter or charity.  
Speaking of the meantime, lunch break is over and I still have a really good day job that I need to support me and my son, so back to work for me. I still have to dress professionally at work and will still be sharing outfit ideas and sales alerts in my free time, just like usual, all along the way, but now any money that I earn from these pages will go into savings for the shelter. 
PS: If you can, go out and volunteer your time at a local charity or donate some money. Let's help each other out and this world will be a better place.

Not A Two
PSS: I'm working on changing the name of this blog to add something like "For Women and Children In Need" or something. Let me know if you have an idea for a phrase to add to the name of my pages to let everyone know what the real meaning behind this page now is 😊

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 
I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."  
Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 
When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?
 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'

The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Matthew 25:35-40 NIV

Instagram: notatwo (Jen Gray)