So, that's me first thing in the morning, hair is barely brushed, no make up, no filters, harsh lighting, 42 years old. Honestly not sure if I should be super proud or not, but I DO feel like my skin could be worse. I mean, it's not like I can go around comparing my no-make-up face to lots of other women in their 40's without makeup on all the time for comparison. I AM proud of how soft my skin is, I'll say that. Oh, also, I sooo wish I could do before and after pictures, but I've been using this one product for over seven years straight now and I could not find a single pic of me without makeup on from seven years ago 😏 Apparently, that would have had to happen over my dead body back then. However, now, after using this product, I don't mind at all! Although I def would prefer to have my eye makeup on. Seriously, someone get this girl some eye liner and mascara. And for Heaven's sake bring some eyebrow gel please. Sigh. I digress. This post is about skincare. Back to skincare. I have tried lots of very expensive products and haven't really been impressed with any of them. AND THEN, somewhere I caught on to this one magical shocker that costs less than $10: [affiliate link]
And that's it! I know, I know! You're probably either blown away and excited to try it, or thinking no flipping way, so please let me explain. But first--disclaimer-- I am no skin expert and this is just me telling you, my girls, what I've found that works for me and will probably work for any skin type too. I've read that this oil is the closest we can get to the natural oils in our bodies, so that's what makes me think it'll be good for any skin type. The rest is based on my own experience. And my experience has been all good, super good, seriously this has worked better than anything else. Life hack good.
Here is the proof for me: After using this for awhile, I no longer care if I have foundation on or not. I know that is a huge statement, and it's a wonderful, true thing. Now please know, this happened over time. It did not happen overnight. In the Winter, especially when it's as cold as it has been, I get some red areas on my face [see nose and cheeks], so I occasionally use a little of this [ ] over any red areas, but that's it for foundation! We all should also use sunscreen, even in Winter, and I am currently searching for a good, light liquid foundation that has sunscreen in it. The goal for me is a tinted moisturizer that DOESN'T smell like sunscreen and doesn't sit on top of my face looking like a horribly weird mask. I'll keep you posted on that search, and please let me know of good ones that you've found!
Update: this one is sooo good and doesn't smell like sunscreen
Update: this one is sooo good and doesn't smell like sunscreen
How I use the oil:
I wash/exfoliate with my homemade sugar scrub made from said miracle oil and sugar and other food items 😊 [I promise I am not coo coo cachoo] [video tutorial at the bottom of this post] each morning in the shower or whenever I need to wash my face. Then, each night, my face, neck, hands, feet, and anywhere that feels dry gets a very thin layer of this [affiliate link]:
although, any brand will do. Just be sure it is real olive oil and that it is not out of date. I buy whatever the least expensive is at the time I'm buying. I use a drop about the size of a penny for my face and neck. Just rub it all over the palm of my hands, and then rub it over my face and neck.
It takes a few minutes to soak in--or a few seconds depending on how dry your skin is... and done! Call me crazy, but it's the best I've found! You can actually use as much or as little as you want to, as frequently as you want to. Once in the morning with the sugar/oil scrub and once at night with just the oil works great for me. What I've found after using this over time, is that my skin is so much healthier that I no longer NEED to use it as much as I used to.
My hands are another good example of the proof--
I no longer get dry, cracked skin on my hands in the Winter! Again, that's over time though! For awhile, I used the oil in place of lotion a couple of times a day. Remember, a penny sized drop will go a long way, and don't touch your clothes before it soaks in! Now, after using it over time, the one sugar/oil scrub routine in my morning shower is all that my hands need. I don't wash my hands with the sugar/oil scrub every time I wash my hands throughout the day, it's only that one time I'm using it in the shower each morning. I haven't felt the need to apply lotion to my hands in years. Not even in this painfully cold weather we've been having. I do have a hand lotion that I put on my hands and arms every night before bed though, and that's only because I love the way it smells as I'm falling asleep, and it's this one: [affiliate link]
Legs and arms and anywhere else that you would normally put lotion:
Same--sugar/oil scrub each morning in the shower. Rub it on, rinse it off, pat dry with a towel after. In the Winter, my legs still want to be super dry, probably due to shaving, and I am always hustling to get out the door to my day job, and do not want to wait five minutes for an oil to soak in on my legs, [DO NOT GET THIS OIL ON YOUR CLOTHES!!] so I use a lotion on my legs in the Winter too. I've also tried every lotion out there. Cheap, expensive, all of them. You know what the best lotion is? This one for around $5: [affiliate link] I kid you not. In the Summer, however, as long as I use the oil or the sugar/oil scrub each day, I don't need lotion at all. Anywhere.
Other uses for the oil--
There's a ton. I've used it as makeup remover, even on my eyes, and even to remove SeneGence LipSense [longest lasting lipstick ever]. One drop will do it. I've also put a small dab on the ends of my hair when it gets frizzy. Looking at that picture, I see that I need to do that more lately with these blonde highlights at the ends of my hair. I've been slacking there. I'll step it up though.
I am 42 years old, have been using this for about 7 years, have tried other, very expensive moisturizers before, and none of it compared to this for me! If you try it and it takes forever [more than about five minutes] to soak in, sweet friend, you put way too much oil. Not that too much will hurt anything, but it will take forever to soak in and you might get frustrated. It only takes a couple of minutes longer to soak in than normal lotion does for me.
But it sounds so greasy and messy!
The key is to use the right amount. As you can imagine, any oil will get super messy very quickly if you use too much at once. Avoid a mess by using a little at a time, and layer it little by little as needed. It will soak in just like regular lotion does, but it has worked SO MUCH BETTER for me, and the benefits are worth it.
I'll be curious to know your thoughts on this one!! Obvs I googled it too, just to see what's out there on the subject, and actually found lots of good info! First, apparently this treatment goes back to Cleopatra times, and then also saw this:
"It has been scientifically proven that olive oil is one of the healthiest oils in the world. You can't only use it for cooking purposes but can also use it to look good! Olive oil helps fade away the acne scars and brighten the skin. ... Olive oil also helps exfoliate the skin and acts as a de-clogger for the skin pores."
There's a ton more out there and I encourage you to google it. You'll see some big brand companies using it in their beauty products too. You do run the risk of husbands making [bad] jokes and telling you not to go near an open flame, and I think I remember my husband also calling me Salad for awhile 😑, oh and I think my son tried to eat the sugar scrub one time. Still, all worth it 😁 Good grief I did not mean for this post to go on this long, but I'm passionate about sharing what I've found to work with my girls, so there it is! Simple, easy, inexpensive, and in my opinion not only works, but is THE BEST! I'd love to know if you try it! It only gets better the longer you use it!
- While these scrubs contain natural ingredients, you can still have a reaction to them. It’s best to do an allergy test before using the scrubs all over. Dab a small amount of the scrub on the inside of your wrist, and let it sit for a minute or two before washing it off. Wait 24 to 48 hours, and if there’s no reaction, you can probably use the scrub without issue.
Sugar scrub tutorial is 14 minutes long and please don't expect a shining professional TV personality, apologies. Just me being myself while suffering from sheer exhaustion on Christmas Eve OH AND please note that I am not wearing foundation at all when I recorded this so you get a live view here too:
I also found this recipe online that is close enough to what I do to make the sugar scrub:
Not A Two
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