My Low Carb Diet

Welcome to my weight loss/get healthier journey 💗
I feel like I have SO MUCH to say about how I've lost 19 pounds (so far) in the last 6 months, and kept it off (so far)! This might get long, so if you want to skip the whole story and just get to my basic meal plan with what I typically eat each day, just skip down to the bottom, no hard feelings here at all. But if you're interested in  how I got here, read on...
Like most of us, I recognized pretty quickly during this stay-home season that we've been in that I was eating WAY more than usual. I had to take what felt like a drastic measure to get back in control, and that was to try the keto diet. 
If you aren't familiar with the keto diet, it's basically a very low carb diet. You eat lots of protein and fat and a LOT fewer carbs (I eat no more than 17g of carbs each day). There's SO MUCH MORE to it than that, and I'm grossly over simplifying it here, but, for one thing, I am no expert in weight loss, keto diets, or any diets. For another thing, I'm just a working Mom that wanted to lose a few pounds and not have to starve myself to do it. When I saw another blogger talk about keto, I looked in to it. I have to say now though, that I think that after a couple of months of eating this way, I'm not really so much keto as I am simply eating a very low carb diet. It's working really well, so I wanted to share this with you too! 
So far I have lost 19 pounds in six months. I average 1.5 pounds a week in weight loss and I feel GREAT. I feel better than I have in years! I no longer feel bloated, and I no longer feel hungry all. of. the. time. I'm not taking any expensive supplements, pills, nothing. I only changed the way I eat. I exercise the same amount as before (stationary bike 3-4 times a week for 20 mins each and/or 30 minute walks). Just the diet change of eating a LOT less sugar has melted 14 pounds off in 3 months, and it's stayed off so far, very easily. 
So, since I'm six months in now and feeling better than ever, I thought now would be a good time to share what I've been doing with you! 
First, I downloaded and started using an app daily called Carb Manager. It's free and it's easy. I'm sure there are a ton of other apps out there that help with a low carb diet, but this is the one that the blogger I learned from uses and so far is good enough for me. I use it to track what I've eaten each day, and to track how many carbs, protein and fat grams I've eaten. 
At first, cutting back on carbs was a hard habit to break. It took about a week to break the habit. It definitely helped to meal plan so that I wouldn't find myself super hungry and settling for those cheap and easy carbs. The first week was the hardest. I had to research and read a lot to figure out things like what to put in my coffee instead of sugar (linked a skinny syrup below that does the trick).  Turns out the learning part, what to eat and what not to eat, was the hardest part. 
I started taking a multivitamin because my friend said it would help ward off the typical sugar withdrawal induced headaches and irritability (and she was right). I spent a ton of money trying different keto brands and products and finding what actually tastes good and what doesn't. What is worth the money and what isn't. Side note- I'm always open to suggestion too, so please send your meal and snack ideas to me!

A Typical Day of Meals (your personal quantities will depend on your weight and might be different than mine, so check the Carb Manager app for your specifics!)
Breakfast: three pieces of bacon and 2 scrambled eggs with butter
Lunch: 5 oz hamburger patty with 1 oz melted cheese
Snack: 1/2 cup pecans or pistachios and a Coke Zero
Dinner: 6 oz your choice meat and 1/4 cup veggies of choice
Dessert: 1 Atkins brownie, or sugar free Hershey's chocolate, or low carb ice cream, or a low carb ice cream float with Diet Cream Soda. (These and more in the link below.)
Besides losing weight, the best part for me is that I feel healthier and I don't feel like I'm hungry all the time! I think eating a healthy amount of fat really helps me feel satisfied instead of wanting more, more, more, more food. This has been life changing for me! I truly did not realize how sick, bloated and plagued with heart burn I was until I cut back on all that sugar and bread. 
I'm linking more of my favorite foods and snacks that are on Amazon
--->  HERE   <--------

Eating Out
Restaurant and fast food options for low carb are actually pretty easy. You can almost always find an option for meat and veggies at dine in restaurants. Fast food is a little more tricky, but I have gotten used to eating a burger without the bun, a salad plus grilled chicken, or any sandwich without the bun. Lots of fast food places are starting to offer keto choices too, so always ask!

I avoid alcohol most of the time because it's so dehydrating, but if I want a a couple of social drinks I look for dry, red wine, or any of the clear, no sugar added liquors to mix with Diet Coke. A Jack Daniels and Diet Coke is my latest favorite. 
I can't remember the name the restaurant gave the drink now, but I had a drink with Tito's + tequila + lime the other day and it was great too. 

I do still stick to a calorie deficit, limiting how much I eat of everything, but the app does that for me too. To lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficit, and how many calories you should limit yourself to each day will depend on your current weight and height and other things, but the app (Carb Manager) will figure that out for you too. 

And I think that's about it! I'll add more as I think of more, but hopefully that's enough info to get started, and please let me know if you have any questions! I can honestly say that food no longer controls my life, and THAT is a first for me. 
I'm so happy to feel so good, and want you to also! 

Not A Two

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