Work from Home Balanced with Self Care

1. Have a morning ritual

Repurpose the time you'd usually spend commuting to invest in your well-being. Perfecting your morning routine kick off the day with energy and clarity. Rituals like meditation, journaling, exercise, or goal-setting can transform your mood and your focus as a result.
Man getting dressed in business casual attire

2. Get dressed every day

Studies show that what you wear can have a significant impact on how you think about yourself, an idea referred to as enclothed cognition in psychology. In other words, if you want to perform better, get dressed even when you're working remotely. Opt for a comfy-yet-polished look instead of pajamas to feel your best.

3. Create an inspiring workspace

Use this as an opportunity to revamp your telecommuting set up. Do your best to find a space with natural light, a comfortable seating arrangement (not your bed!), and plenty of greenery.

4. Set boundaries with family

With more people in the house, you'll need to be clear about expectations. Define when you can and can't be interrupted and how you'll handle situations like deliveries and childcare.

5. Take a proper lunch break

If you have a dedicated workspace, eat away from your desk to give your brain a rest. If you're stuck working from your kitchen table for the time being, close your computer and have a device-free lunch. Prep healthy meals in advance; planning ahead ensures you stay on track with your health goals.
Woman video-conferencing on mobile phone

6. Connect with others

You may be getting less face time with colleagues, so make an effort to find regular ways to communicate through video chats and messaging. Schedule virtual coffee chats and catch up with old friends and colleagues.

7. Move your body

In the absence of walking around the office, you have to intentionally make time for movement. An easy trick is to pace while on conference calls. Or you can don your best athleisure and take a break to do some light stretching, yoga, or go for walk around the block.

8. Set an alarm when it's time to wrap up

Stick to regular working hours like 8 a.m. to 6 p.m, for example. Set an alarm on your phone or calendar thirty minutes before your end time. It's a great way to nudge yourself to conserve your energy and close up shop.
Woman closing her laptop

9. Shut down for real

When it's quitting time, power down your computer. That way you're not tempted to squeeze in just one more project or to answer emails after hours.

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